Sometimes hearing a particular song will send you back to a particular moment in your life, right?
Here's one of mine:
When I was in 4th grade at a very particular Catholic school in St. Louis MO, we had a home work assignment which we had to either start -OR- end a finished sentence.
_____________ at the playground.
Johnny went to the _______________..
One of the options was:
________________ in a car.
My answer...after listening to a ton of Beatles was:
My 4th grade teacher at that time called my parents after reading my answer, (remember this was at a Catholic school and she was obviously NOT a Beatles fan), and asked them to ask me why I answered this particular question in this particular way.
I told them it was because it was a line from a Beatles song that I was listening to at that time. My parents backed me up there and everything ultimately turned out fine.
I didn't know what the big deal was about at the time, didn't really know what the line meant other than it was from a Beatles song and that it sounded COOL.
The fact that my folks backed me up at that time (and didn't send me to counseling,)really made a great impression on me, even today, that I would remember this 33+ years later!
Does hearing a song today send you back to another time?
Let's hear your story...!
(the Beatles - Day in the Life)