Sunday, June 05, 2011

The Best/Worst things about owning an Indie Label

Finally reading R.S.'s "Alt Rock-A-Rama" (1996), which is a collection of short stories, essays, lists, etc., written by some of the coolest people in the business at that time.

Here's a great list by Jill Kalish and Steve Pilon - Jill & Keith live in Atlanta and run Long Play Records, which has released albums by the likes of the Big Fish Ensemble, the Opal Foxx Quartet and Smoke.

The Best/Worst things about owning an Indie Label

-You get lots of FREE records -BUT- they're NEVER the one's you want

- People are interested in what you do for a living and ask you lots of questions about it -BUT- the next time you see them the ask "What is the name of that record STORE you work at again?"

- Once in awhile one of your records starts to sell pretty well -BUT- then your distributor goes out of business and you STILL manage to end up losing money.

- Beer is tax deductible -BUT- only only IF you remember to get a receipt.

- Its pretty much your job to make fun of major labels -BUT- well, there's really no downside to that one.

- You can work in your underwear if you want to -BUT- there's really no downside to that one either.

- People always ask your advice on what new records to buy -BUT- they go out and buy Smashing Pumpkins and Tori Amos ANYWAY!!!

- You feel confident that your records are the absolute best records being released anywhere by anybody -BUT- everyone just buys Smashing Pumpkins and Tori Amos ANYWAY!!!