Friday, September 15, 2006

MySpace Rulez

I've been working the whole MySpace scene hardcore this week & can't believe the response we're getting for tAC's song "Damn it, Elvis" in Europe, it's a big ego boost, so thanks you all.

So, tonight I meet a like minded group, , which has set their sights on iptv like 52media has had since 1998, (see Harvest Showcase webcast @ google video and our failed but awesome satellite ipmulticasting project "DigitalXmedia" all those years ago, etc.).

Anyway, I'm getting motivated once again, which is what its all about, which is also very scarry because this internet bullshit has cost us so much $$$ keeping 52media sustained,

once I thought I was out they drag me back in,

Anyway, its connections like this that keeps me going, more later...Flo

1 comment:

52media said...

Haven't heard back from them yet, stay tuned.