Friday, November 26, 2010

Great Louisville Hardcore bands 2.0: Kinghorse

Actually, I don't really give a rat's a$$ if there's any interest here, this band was Louisville's punk "Bon Scott led AC/DC" to Squirrel Bait's "pre-Nirvana Nirvana". I listened to their record incessantly while I was sculpting. I believe their music heavily influenced the pieces I created.

Here's one of them:


Their lead singer, a great artist himself has an incredible piece which is actuallu going to be up for sale soon. 

I love how his has TOTAL command of his colors. If you are interested in purchasing it, I guess you can contact me.

Sean was the bouncer/doorman at the long ago defunct Tewligans*. His nickname was "Rat". He wasn't that tall or menacing -BUT- nobody ever messed with him. 

Hears why:

*To me, music hasn't been the same since that place closed its doors. RIP.

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