Sunday, May 22, 2011

Dance Gavin Dance/Katy Perry?

I got a little flack on a message board recently...

>52media, Dance Gavin Dance followed by Katy Perry? I am literally cringing.

I know. I'm too GD honest sometimes and that pisses me off!!! I recently helped a friend move his computer repair/cafe business to another location this past week and the only station that we could get there while we painted was our local top 40/pop station...and after probably 60 listens to that damned song...IMO, that KP song F.L.O.B.W. just rocks IMO. While pop is supposed to be fluff, I like it because she's in a class by herself and does things differently while maintaining the general 'standards'.

For your better understanding on how my mind works...regarding music - I recently brought a CDR with Billy Bragg & Wilco's 2 records that they released called "Mermaid Ave" on a road trip and for the life of me I couldn't remember who's lyrics they wrote the music from until we got home and I WiKi'd it!!!!

-BUT- we heard this crappy song on the radio called "Fat Boy" from a mid 90s band from Australia and I immediately KNEW that it was Silver Chair....WTF?????

If I could change things...I would've immediately been able to tell everyone that the records were written from lyrics that Woody Guthrie's widow had given Billy and the boys from Wilco and I NEVER would have heard that other ISH.

Link: Billy Bragg - Ingrid Bergman

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